Funny Love Ecards Biography
Source( LOL’d at the hilarious images Someecards posted for Mother’s Day, and then The Huffington Post scouted out 15 ecards you wish you could send your ex. (My fave: “I told our dog that you died.” Hahahahaha.) Now I bring you The 25 Funniest Ecards About Love, Dating and Marriage. These cards run the relationship gamut, from what it’s like to date (the good, the bad and the bumping uglies) to the solid courtship phase (where you’re comfortable enough to fart but you still get raging boners for each other) all the way through the mutual acceptance of mediocrity that is marriage. (Sorry, I watched Carnage last night. I’m feeling like a bitter, wealthy, urban sophisticate.) Enjoy!
Marketing Ecards
Our free ecard template (which you can download by simply clicking on the image on this page, no form-fill required!) has a collection of six different ecard templates. For this blog post, we'll customize number two from the collection (slide five).
Step 1: Insert Custom Message
Add a brief message here that relates to the audience and channel you're sharing with. For example, I'm going to write this ecard for, well, you guys! The lovely readers and/or subscribers of this blog.
By the way, we truly do appreciate the loyal readers of our blog. We try our best to serve you great content, but it's your feedback, questions, and ideas that inspire us and help us improve what we do every day.
Step 2: Insert Custom Image
While some of our templates allow you to add custom images, not all do! You can keep a simple background, pull from any one of our 200+ free holiday stock images, or simply add your own. Whatever you do, make it personalized and fun! In our example, we'll use a festive photo of two members of our HubSpot blogging team.
Step 3: Sign and Send
Once your ecard is customized, simply sign as your name or company. If you create a card as your company, consider adding your own logo!
To save the card, go to File >> Save as Picture. Under "options" you can select to "Save Current Slide Only" to save only the ecard you customized.
Ready to start customizing ecards and spreading the holiday joy now through New Years.
Love Poems speak about the passion, desire and vulnerability of being in love. When you can share your life with another, your whole world is completely different.
Falling in love may be one of the greatest feelings ever. When you are with your lover there is no greater feeling in the world, and when you're not you spend all your time thinking of each other. Falling in love is truly an awesome feeling.
Romantic relationships are the spice of life. They make us feel alive in a way that nothing else can. Genuine romance exists when two individuals show that they care for each other by doing small acts for each other that demonstrate love and affection. It makes us feel loved and cared for when we know that our significant other is thinking about how to give us the most pleasure. Romance is the key to keeping the sparks flying. Without it, any relationship will soon lose its shine.
We hope you enjoy browsing our collection of great love poems!
Popular Love Poems
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Featured Love Subcategories
Many girls obsess about how to be the perfect girlfriend. The truth is most guys are happy enough just to have a girlfriend. However, it is important to know that for guys, being respected is the most important thing. Guys want to know that you think they are powerful and strong. Also do not disregard his complement. If he tells you that he thinks that you look beautiful, don't tell him that you are ugly. You may be acting modest, or displaying your own insecurities, but to him, you are saying that his complements don't mean a thing.
I Love You Poems (27 Poems)
Saying "I love you" is a hard thing to do. You might be worried if you are really expressing your truly feelings or if you are being pressured into it. Everyone has their own time when they think that it is appropriate to say I love you. There is no right or wrong time. However, it is hurtful when an individual makes himself vulnerable and says, I love you, and his words are not returned. Sometimes it may be a simple act of courtesy to return the sentiment. On the other hand you may be setting him up for false expectations about the potential for a relationship.
Funny Love Ecards Funny Vlentines Day Cards Tumblr Day Quotes Pictures Day Poems Day Memes Poems
Funny Love Ecards Funny Vlentines Day Cards Tumblr Day Quotes Pictures Day Poems Day Memes Poems
Funny Love Ecards Funny Vlentines Day Cards Tumblr Day Quotes Pictures Day Poems Day Memes Poems
Funny Love Ecards Funny Vlentines Day Cards Tumblr Day Quotes Pictures Day Poems Day Memes PoemS
Funny Love Ecards Funny Vlentines Day Cards Tumblr Day Quotes Pictures Day Poems Day Memes Poems

Funny Love Ecards Funny Vlentines Day Cards Tumblr Day Quotes Pictures Day Poems Day Memes Poems
Funny Love Ecards Funny Vlentines Day Cards Tumblr Day Quotes Pictures Day Poems Day Memes Poems
Funny Love Ecards Funny Vlentines Day Cards Tumblr Day Quotes Pictures Day Poems Day Memes Poems
Funny Love Ecards Funny Vlentines Day Cards Tumblr Day Quotes Pictures Day Poems Day Memes Poems