Funny Ecard Biography
Source( Mitzvah ecards: It takes a lot of study and effort to prepare for a Bar Mitzvah, and though most boys get some serious gelt as a recompense for their efforts (and blessings from God and the community) the pinnacle of blessings is to receive a Rubber Chicken Bar Mitzvah ecard. Yes. It is true. The official Rabbi of Rubber Chicken Cards, Moshe, has blessed these ecards Bar Mitzvah so they are drenched in love and sweetness.
Once More With Meaning
Here is the beauty of the Bar Mitzvah, in fact all rites of passage. The thirteen year old Jewish boy is like any other thirteen year old boy. Does he want to spend 3 hours on a Saturday going to Hebrew School? Heck he does!! He doesn't want to be playing baseball, the Israeli national sport. Nope he wants to study. What does he get for this sacrifice? What does he get for going the extra mile, learning a language, and preparing to be a man? Gifts, of course, but more importantly, the little guy is now, after his ceremony, a man. Something happens in the temple that is not a small thing.
An Important Day
This is an important day. Could be the day of all days for a young man. With this new found sense of himself, the young jewish man will probably not join a gang or sell heroin on the street. He will, in most cases, have a real profession with a job that requires a business card.
Steve Mittleman the Voice of the Rabbi
The role of this ecard is voiced by the great standup comedian Steve Mittleman, one of the funniest men alive. Here is a brief bio of Steve: Steve Mittleman was born without a chin. It got weaker from there. It haunted him his whole life. When he was sad about it, people would ask, "Hey Steve, why the short face?" It used to take him (only) 3 - 4 hours to change a pillowcase. Then, Steve was asked to be on Extreme Makeover and was given a remarkable chin, 2 clefts and 9 dimples. His sense of humor remains intact as long as he can find it. Oddly, now that Steve is easier on the eye, he's doing voice-over work. Steve also smells like stucco which ABC used when he had his plastic surgery mistakenly done on Extreme Makeover Home Edition. Steve writes, acts and travels the country doing standup for corporate and Jewish events.
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Want to know how our Bar Mitzvah eCards are made? These videos show how we produce every Bar Mitzvah eCard.
Kristin also designs Heartoons® colorful pastel paintings using cartoon vignettes, landscapes and still lifes to create images that are applicable for commercial use. These fine art pastel images are featured on greeting cards, direct mail postcards, clothing, posters, advertisements, book illustrations, and calendars.
Fresh Produce Sportswear will feature Kristin’s pastel artwork on its fall 2004 clothing line. Her work was included in the book, Chicken Soup for the Nature- Loving Soul. She has also produced numerous calendars for Estey Printing Company and advertising for many businesses, including Ideal Market and Sturtz & Copeland Greenhouses.
Kristin Sheldon
Beach Ball 2004
Kristin has designed art for many charitable groups and benefits including the Boulder Valley School Foundation Beach Ball 2004 Fundraiser and charitable running races such as the Canine Classic in Boulder.
Kristin Sheldon
Red Boat
Kristin graduated from CU with a BS in Journalism. She is married and has two grown boys. Living in Boulder for 26 years, she also enjoys running, gardening, yoga and nordic skiing.
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